sendwebpages v0.2

sendwebpages (the main script) (needed by the above script)

Some other people might find this shell script useful; if like me you prefer to work on your web pages on your home machine, it is always a chore to update the copy of the pages on your ISP's web server, if you do it by hand. This script looks through your web page tree on your local machine and automatically ftp's only the files that have changed since last update. It considers all files, not just html type (so any corresponding pictures, text files, binaries, are all sent too if they have been updated). In fact the script will process any file at all that is present in your web page file tree.

The 'datewebpage' shell script is needed by 'sendwebpages', and it does what it says: it puts a little blurb at the bottom of each html file (like at the bottom of this page) saying that it was last modified on such and such date and time. The date and time are obtained by calling `date` in the 'sendwebpages' script when the ftp command file is being put together. You can download this script from the same spot above on this page as the 'sendwebpages' script.

NOTE: to have this script work properly (sendwebpages) you will need to have a .netrc file (if you don't know what that is, do 'man ftp') with an entry for the server where your remote web pages reside.

Current limitations

Future work

Last modified on: Sat Jan 9 18:07:21 EST 1999 HOME Maciej Kalisiak <>