
NOTE:These pages describe RenderDude! version 1, completed in December 1998. As my thesis has progressed I have made many additions to the system, and I hope to release version 2 once my thesis is done (around December, 1999). Some of the new features will include:

  • Advanced motion blur algorithms (the focus of my thesis)
  • Distribution Ray Tracing
  • A simple graphical UI
  • Linux and NT compatibility

Ryan Meredith-Jones, August 27/99

RenderDude! is my project for CSC2522 - Advanced Image Synthesis. taught by James Stewart and Eugene Fiume. It is a 3d rendering framework in which a variety of visibility and rendering algorithms can be implemented. It currently only runs on Windows NT. You can download a WinZipped archive of all the source code, docs, and executables below:

The important components of the system are described in the following sections: