Doctor-Dog Handler Volunteer Application Procedure


Step 1: Application & Evaluation


Please mail the followings to Caring Canine, 21 St. Joseph St., # 504, Toronto, ON, M4Y 1J8:


1)      your completed application form (Please right click on the blue link to save the form on your computer before printing.  Email if you encounter any problems.)


2)      a photocopy of your photo ID and a proof of current address (e.g. your driver licence)


3)      a $15 non-refundable evaluation fee by cheque payable to “Caring Canine”


4)       your dog’s current vaccination certificate which should satisfy the requirements in “Health Requirements of Our Doctor Dogs”


5)      your dog’s current parasite-control record which should also satisfy the requirements in “Health Requirements of Our Doctor Dogs”


To meet requirements #4 and #5, you can either

i)        ask your veterinarian to complete and sign the ”Doctor Dog Health Screening Form” (right click to save before printing) or

ii)      mail in direct printouts from your veterinarian’s clinic as long as the printouts satisfy the requirements in “Health Requirements of Our Doctor Dogs”

You need not do both.  Please choose only the method most convenient for you.


Upon receiving these documents, we will contact you to set up 1) a shadowing visit during which a mentor will answer your questions in person and 2) an Doctor-Dog evaluation with other candidates.  Please apply early since application processing does take time.  Thanks!



Step 2: Orientation & Training Visits


After passing the evaluation, please


1)      Pay for your membership fee which pays for the cost of your liability insurance premium (2 million maximum per year).

Ø      the membership fee is $25 (or $30 for 2 adult members) annually

Ø      membership fees after the first year are waived for children or youths under 22, senior citizen, people with a low income, and people with disabilities


2)      Complete your 2-step TB skin test required by Ontario Health Regulations

Ø      Caring Canine can refer you to clinics which perform the test free of charge


3)      Complete a police check for the vulnerable sector

Ø      The Toronto Police will charge you $15.75 for the service

Ø      Caring Canine will reimburse you after you have met the minimal commitment


4)      Attend a Caring Canine orientation/training session


5)      Complete your training visit(s) at a facility  (Caring Canine can match you up with a facility or you can find one of your own.  A mentor can accompany you on the initial training visit(s).)


All candidates have up to 3 months after passing the evaluation to complete stage 2.  Visits you make as a volunteer of Caring Canine are covered by 3rd-party liability insurance (maximum 2 million per year). 


To maintain the quality of our visits and enable us to share our knowledge, all volunteers will be accompanied by a peer/mentor/leader on a visit (bi-) annually.  Your dog’s updated health records and your membership fee are due annually.



Disclaimer: The views expressed on our website are not influenced in any way by our sponsors.

Last Updated: 10-2008

